Every single day, hundreds of websites are uploaded into the net- but the biggest challenge many website owners face is getting people to visit their websites. Many people do not understand that it takes more hard work to promote a website than it takes to design it- especially when you do not have enough money to buy advertising credit. Being aware of this challenge, I decided to share my secrets of driving insane traffic to my websites and clients’ websites so people who have this challenge can use them to increase their websites traffic.
Search Engine optimization
Yes, the first traffic strategy on the list is Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O). Chances are, you’ve heard that like a zillion times; and more so, every other technique I’ll be sharing with you here, won’t be new to you, but it is not enough to just know the terms and probably can say a word or two about them: It’s about knowing how to professionally use them to bring your site up on the top Search Engines’ results.
The easiest way I’ll recommend for you to employ Search Engine Optimization, is to consistently submit your websites to Search Engines manually and put relevant keywords relating to what you are selling on your websites in the Meta tags of your HTML codes.
Submission Of Articles
Another very potent method of driving substantial traffic to your website is by writing articles relating to your websites information and submitting consistently to article directories. Just go online make researches on articles relating to your website, read and from there, choose a unique topic and write a very informative article about your product or service and submit them to several article directories and forums.
To get article directories you can post your article to, go to Google and type these keywords” Free article directories” and you’ll find as many as possible article directories that you can be posting to consistently. Remember, the emphasis here is on ”consistently” don’t’ just post once and think that will give you the kind of result you want. Just keep writing and submitting and before long, you’ll see your site traffic explode beyond wildest your imaginations.
Social Networking Sites
Another great way you can send substantial traffic to your website, is to register in as many as possible, social networking site like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and the rest. After registering you can be directing people to your website through your profile and your groups. One great secret of maximizing the traffic opportunities of Social Networking Site is to be consistently communicating with your friends and group…